“What is to have an effect on the heart must come from the heart.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

With these words, we would like to thank you for your cooperation in 2023. There is no question that like the few years prior, 2023 has been more than challenging. And yet we can look back on many positive moments.

For us, one thing that is certain, is that in the future, we will continue to do what has proven successful and we will continue to work with heart and soul to improve the everyday lives of children and young people with disabilities all over the world.

This year, we are once again foregoing Christmas gifts. Instead, we traditionally support various organizations and projects throughout the year and we made sure that many children’s eyes lit up. Among other things, we donated some of our therapy aids to an aid organisation in Ethiopia. These included madita-fun. therapy chairs and also our malte. and marcy. walking aids. We also supported the children’s hospital and a youth welfare organisation with monetary donations. We don’t just want to do good and give something back at Christmas time.

We wish you, your families and your colleagues a peaceful and reflective Christmas and a successful start to the new year!

From our family to yours.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!