Self-determined walking.

No longer walking with mum or grandma holding hands. Finally discovering the world on her own. Ok, let´s start with her own street. This is finally possible for Emma (10) with the anterior walking aid marcy.

“It was exhausting, for Emma and also for us,” says mother Michaela. Her daughter was born with Rett syndrome. This is a rare genetic neurological developmental disorder. Among other things, the children have physical and neurological limitations. For Emma, this has meant that she has always been dependent on her parents’ help when walking. Either walking by hand or being pushed in a buggy, but the older and bigger Emma got, the more difficult that became.

Orthopaedic surgeon advises walking aid

Because of her pointed foot, Emma was treated with the so-called Ulzibat method. Her shortened and tense muscle fasciae were scribed with the aim of increasing the mobility of the affected muscles. On the recommendation of the orthopaedic surgeon who treated her, Emma tested the marcy walking aid shortly after the operation – with success. Already during the therapy, she achieved first successes right away and was able to walk independently. However: “My husband had to be convinced first, because he think walkers are not cool at Emma’s age,” recalls mum Michaela with a smile. But it didn’t take much convincing, so marcy. finally “moved in” with Emma.

Going shopping

Emma has a blast playing with her little sister Marie and friends in front of the house. The basket carries her radio plays and cool songs. So far, the girl only uses her walking aid in her free time and at the special school, but she still has a very special wish for it.

The ten-year-old would like to finally go shopping with mum in a really big supermarket! “I never took her with me before because she didn’t fit in the seat in the shopping trolley anymore. Now she can choose her favourite yoghurt herself and put it in marcy.‘s basket,” says mother Michaela happily.